
Cancun バイバイ

今日カンクン最後の日。朝にTulumまでのバスチケットを買って、11時50分発でカンクンByeBye!! 宿で会ったたつやさんとまりこさんにはMeridaで合流する予定。他の宿泊者は釣りに行くって行ってたけど、雨で中止らしい。ここカンクンにいる間ずっと朝は曇りor雨のち晴れって日が続いてる。しかも今日一日はずっと雨みたいでちょうど移動するにはタイミング良かった。2時間でTulumに到着予定だったのがちょうど半分地点にあたるプラヤデルカルメンに着いたのが出発してちょうど1時間半ぐらいやった・・・しかもバスの中にトイレがなくてプラヤデルカルメンのバス停に着いた時には漏れる寸前でダッシュでトイレまで走る。トイレを使用するのに5ペソかかるらしく、コインを持ち合わせていなかった私は緊急用ポケットから200ペソを出してようやく入れた。BENも後でトイレに行きたくなり、バスの中で解消しました。(※写真参照)Tulumの写真もアップしておきます!!

Today we left Cancun for the ruins at Tulum, which are right on the beach. The overcast/rainy weather that has plagued us for our entire stay here was no different today. With our rain gear on our packs and umbrellas in our pockets, we were off to the bus station. Our first experience with a second-class bus was not so bad, as we were used to the "dash for seats" that they require. As we rode along, we could see the hotel zone off in the distance, separated by mangrove and a small bay. We made several stops along the way, sometimes picking up people, sometimes picking up products to be sent on to the next town.
We had packed a wonderful lunch involving lots of horchatta, which is a rice drink that I'd fallen in love with early on in my childhood. The horchatta was good, however, by the time we stopped in Playa del Carmen, an hour outside Tulum, I already really had to visit the little boys room. So did Kaori. I figured I'd let her go first. But by the time she got back, the bus, like me, was ready to go. With no real options, we guzzled the last of the horchatta, leaving just a bit in the bottom, and under the cover of Kaori's jacket, I nearly filled our Nalgene. Boy did I feel better!

The ruins were wonderful, though the weather did not allow for swimming on the beach. The multitude of Europeans there did not seem to feel that way, however, and I saw more bikinis at the Mayan ruins than in my three days in Cancun. There could be worse things, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. nice job ben! so classy! what did you use a bottle or a bag?
