
BOATS!! Rio Dulce to Honduras

After a three hour bus ride coming back south from Flores, we caught a boat from just outside the Castillo, which was built, like so many of the castles in Central America, to keep English Pirates from raiding inland stores.

We passed through several small inlets to let people off and on the boat, which is the only line of transportation between the Guatemala and Livingston, even though Livingston is not an island.

Along the way, I picked up a coconut and enjoyed not only the lucious juice, but the delicous and incredibly difficult-to-eat meat. It's quite tender when fresh!

After 2hours in transit, we arrived in Livingston, which is home of the majority of the Garifuna people (called Black Caribbeans by the Spanish). It's a strange little town, struggling with the changes that the tourist trade is bringing to their society. We saw signs deeper in some of the barrios posted by the government encouraging the locals to be "the tourist's friend". This painting I thought was quite interesting, though I'm not sure if it is a comment on the tourist industry.


The next morning, we rose before everyone to catch this boat to Puerto Barrios, taking us an hour and a half from Honduras.

We got there at 4:45, because we believed it was leaving at 5am, but when we arrived, the crew was still asleep on the boat's benchs. We waited till 6:30. There was a whole mix of people on the boat, most of them taking merchandise to sell in the much larger town across the bay.

Kaori kicked her feet up and fell asleep early into the voyage. Don't believe it's because she was tired from the early departure...she sleeps on anything that moves. ;-)

After arriving in Puerto Barrios, we were soon discovered by a bus looking for people travelling to Honduras. We arrived at the border in an hour, where the copilot took our passports and did the entry paperwork for us in this shack! What service!

In another 30 minutes we were in Honduras! Brrrraaah-haaaa!

1 comment:

  1. look at that motorcycle! I am jealous that you guys get to travel the world. I did a 16,000 mile road trip across the US this summer but you guys have taken it to a whole new level!
